According to Izutsu, Islam is one of the most prestigious and important religious cultures in the world. He has called for a wise reading of the Quran in order to understand it correctly. Many Quranic studies have followed Izutsu’s method in dealing with the terms of the Quran. However, Izutsu's method in analyzing the key concepts of the Quran has some shortcomings that in some cases have led to incorrect results. In this research, which has been conducted using the descriptive-analytical approach, the following results have been obtained: 1) The main and central concept in Quranic discourse, which according to Izutsu is the concept of towhid, is not sufficient and convincing for understanding the main theme of the Quranic verses, and Izutsu’s approach, in regard to the theme, does not add a new point to Quranic studies. 2) Izutsu's analysis of “the creation of infidelity” is merely a good presentation of the arguments of the hostile sects and is in fact an accurate and distinct analysis of the interpreters' arguments. He has not added anything new to the key concepts of this case and has simply skillfully and well extracted these concepts. He has not concluded this issue with an independent view and has not favored one theory over another.
Kavand A. A Critique of Izutsu's Methodology in Recognizing the Key Concepts of the Quran (In the Case Study of Theological Comparisons). 3 2021; 20 (42) :157-175 URL: