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:: Volume 22, Issue 45 (1-2023) ::
3 2023, 22(45): 5-30 Back to browse issues page
Explaining the Style of Imam Reza's Reasoning in Marv's Hadith Regarding The Necessity of Following the Divine Authority (with the Focus of the Book Al-Ḥujjah Kāfi) Based on John Searle's Speech Act Theory
Munir Anisi , Fatemeh Hashemi 1, Mohammad Razavi
Abstract:   (1213 Views)
The performance of Imam Reza (as) like other innocents (as) has a fundamental role in shaping the speech and behavior of Shiites. It seems that by analyzing his reasoning in Marv's Hadith, according to the theories of linguistics, new insights can be gained. This article is based on the speech act theory of John Searle. This theory was first proposed by John Lee Austin and then expanded by John Searle, and speech act theory is one of the theories that played a significant role in the development of discourse analysis. Discourse analysis is a reaction against the more traditional form of linguistics that focuses on sentence structure and the produced form of the sentence in a certain context is a part of speech, which is called a speech act if it is placed in the concept of production. According to John Searle, the speech act is divided into five groups: expressive, persuasive, emotional, obligatory and declarative. The investigation shows that in the reasoning and argument of Imam Reza (as) there is more expressive action than other actions and other actions are used much less. In other words, in Marv's Hadith, first stating the truth and then persuading that imam has been used the most to arouse people's desire to listen to his words in order to reason and think about divine proof. The matching of the situational context of the hadith of Marv with the types of actions used in the text is a sign of the high power of audience awareness and his deep understanding of the situational context, because the imam's speech is actually his reaction to the deviation of the Islamic society in divine appointing an infallible imam, in relation to the wrong and self-interested policies of the government of the time. The method used in this descriptive survey is analysis in the form of content (discourse) analysis. The unit of analysis is the sentence and it is a library research tool.
Keywords: Reasoning, Imam Reza (as), Marv's Hadith, Speech Act, John Searle.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/02/8 | Accepted: 2023/01/30 | Published: 2023/01/30
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Anisi M, Hashemi F, Razavi M. Explaining the Style of Imam Reza's Reasoning in Marv's Hadith Regarding The Necessity of Following the Divine Authority (with the Focus of the Book Al-Ḥujjah Kāfi) Based on John Searle's Speech Act Theory. 3 2023; 22 (45) :5-30
URL: http://pdmag.ir/article-1-1687-en.html

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