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:: Volume 22, Issue 45 (1-2023) ::
3 2023, 22(45): 201-223 Back to browse issues page
Narrative Arguments of the Legitimacy of the Command and Prohibition of the People to the Rulers
Mehdi Montazar Ghaem
Abstract:   (945 Views)
This article is about the "narrative arguments of the legitimacy of the command and prohibition of the people to the rulers". The commands and prohibitions of the rulers to the people become laws, and people's commands and prohibitions to the rulers often show themselves in the form of criticism and protest. The great influence of this command and prohibition in the society increases the necessity of a reasoned answer to the question of "the argument of the legitimacy of the command and prohibition of the people to the rulers". With an intra-religious view and descriptive-analytical method, at least by citing ten narrative reasons, it can be proved that the people have the right to command the rulers to do what is good and forbid what is bad; including: the necessity for the people not to be afraid of commanding and forbidding the rulers, condemning abandoning the prohibition of the rulers from oppressing, the necessity for the scholars to oppose the heresies of the rulers, encouraging the people to make demands from the rulers, the virtue of expressing truth and justice before the ruler, and the motive behind the movement of Imam Hussain (as) and the lives of the infallible Imams (as). There are conflicting arguments about this; but by examining them, we can come to the conclusion that: conflicting arguments can be combined, and if commands and prohibitions are given to the rulers on their own terms, it is legitimate and no one can take away this right from the people based on religious arguments.
Keywords: Enjoining the Good, Forbidding the Evil, Commanding the Ruler, Forbidding the Ruler from Oppressing, Criticizing the Government, Public Rights, Legitimacy.
Full-Text [PDF 320 kb]   (279 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/02/8 | Accepted: 2023/01/30 | Published: 2023/01/30
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Montazar Ghaem M. Narrative Arguments of the Legitimacy of the Command and Prohibition of the People to the Rulers. 3 2023; 22 (45) :201-223
URL: http://pdmag.ir/article-1-1694-en.html

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