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:: Volume 22, Issue 45 (1-2023) ::
3 2023, 22(45): 249-274 Back to browse issues page
Criticism and Analysis of the Domination of Narration over Reason in the Segregation School
Mahmoud Karimi 1, Abbas Mosllaipour , Hoda Tafazzoli
Abstract:   (1006 Views)
The idea of segregation has always been associated with a narrativeism and anti-philosophy. Narrativeism can be seen in different intellectual trends such as Akhbārism in Shia and Salafism in Sunnis. But narrativeism in the recent period can also be examined in the form of the segregation school. As the founder of the Khorasan School of Education, known as the Segregation School, Mirza Mahdi Esfahani had a different approach to his opponents and many philosophical topics among which we can mention the distinction between philosophical argument and reason mentioned in the verses and traditions. He believes that Allah's authority over His servants is the enlightened intellect that distinguishes between right and wrong and discovers good and bad, not the dark argument which is unable to distinguish its materials. These approaches are the source of assigning the belief of narrativeism in the concept of anti-rationalism to the segregation school. The present article aims to explain the problems of Mirza Esfahani with the descriptive-analytical method, while explaining the views of the critics of the segregation school, and criticize and analyze the problems of critics in this regard.
Keywords: Mirza Mahdi Esfahani, Narrativeism, Rationalism, Intellect, Analogy, Segregation School.
Full-Text [PDF 368 kb]   (380 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/02/8 | Accepted: 2023/01/30 | Published: 2023/01/30
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Karimi M, Mosllaipour A, Tafazzoli H. Criticism and Analysis of the Domination of Narration over Reason in the Segregation School. 3 2023; 22 (45) :249-274
URL: http://pdmag.ir/article-1-1696-en.html

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