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:: Volume 22, Issue 45 (1-2023) ::
3 2023, 22(45): 275-292 Back to browse issues page
Analyzing the View of the Impermissibility of a Minimal Translation of the Qur'an (with Emphasis on Rashid Reza's Theory)
Mahdi Ebadi 1, Mohammad Mokhtari , Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh Tabatabai
Abstract:   (890 Views)
This article examines the minimum permissible theory of translation of the Holy Quran, from the perspective of the two sects. The Shiites agree on the permissibility of translating the Qur’an. What is understood from the arguments of the Sunnis is that it is not permissible to translate the Qur'an. In this research, which was written using library sources and in an analytical-descriptive method, while explaining the truth of Rashid Reza's fatwa (jurisprudential commandment) that it is not permissible to translate the Qur'an, as well as discovering the effect of conditions and time on this fatwa, for other reasons and evidences we have reached the permission to translate the Holy Qur’an from the point of view of Sunnis. Such as Rashid Reza's action with a group of Egyptian scholars on the translation of the Qur'an, the fatwa of the scholars of al-Azhar University in Egypt on the permissibility of translating the Qur'an, the detailed theory of the permissibility and impermissibility of the translation of the Qur'an, and Zarkashi's statement that the translation of the Qur'an is necessary in some cases. What made most Sunnis to oppose the permissibility of translating the Qur’an is the confusion between the possibility and the permissibility of translating the Qur’an. So, if we take the translation of the Qur'an as a true translation and as a mirror of the entire view of the Qur'an, the Shia does not believe in such a translation, and his opinion is the same as the opponents of the impossibility of translation (the Sunnis). However, minimal translation, which is based on rules, is a matter that reason proves its possible and hadiths confirm its legality.
Keywords: The Qur'an Translation, Permission to Possibility of Translation, the Supporters and Opponents of the Translation, Seyed Mohammad Rashid Reza.
Full-Text [PDF 307 kb]   (271 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/02/8 | Accepted: 2023/01/30 | Published: 2023/01/30
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Ebadi M, Mokhtari M, Sadeghzadeh Tabatabai M. Analyzing the View of the Impermissibility of a Minimal Translation of the Qur'an (with Emphasis on Rashid Reza's Theory). 3 2023; 22 (45) :275-292
URL: http://pdmag.ir/article-1-1697-en.html

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Volume 22, Issue 45 (1-2023) Back to browse issues page
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