One of the most important topics in the field of educational sciences is the trainer’s being a role model for the trainee. In general, if we categorize the whole Islamic issues into the three areas of beliefs, morality and prescripts, a look at the holy Quran and the teachings of the Infallibles will reveal that these three areas are so closely interrelated that one cannot exist without the other, and an individual who is faithful to only one of the three can be not only a role model teacher, but an example of a perfect and successful human being. An important part of the verses of the holy Quran deal with these three areas, which are also regarded as the realms of faith and the practice of righteousness, and they have long been the subject of debate among Muslim scholars. In this article, we have dealt with the most important features of role model teacher aiming to explain the approach of explaining the role model teacher as a Quranic trainer based on Quranic verses and narrations and referring to commentary and hadith sources. The result of this study is that the role model of a perfect Islamic trainer can be realized only if the teacher always considers the three angles of the triangle of religion, i.e. ma’refah (spiritual knowledge), Shari'ah and morality, and believes that disregarding any one of these three does not make him/her suitable for a perfect role model trainer, and consequently his teachings will not produce sufficient outcome for the trainees.